Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Planning is exciting...

Oh, did I say July 23rd? I meant June 25th...

Due to the need for us to get our lives back to normal as soon as possible, we figure delaying our trip to late July might actually give us more opportunity to cancel it. Plus, there was no other valid reason why we need to wait that long, so we moved it up a month. Time to get the planning started!

Google Earth is a wonderful program to use if you need to travel, or wish you could. Perhaps one day Maggie, when you are reading this, you might ask, "What is Google Earth?", or simply laugh about how wonderful I think it is today. Well, as of today, it is top notch technology, and it is useful in helping us determine our route.

When looking across the USA, there seems to be 6 different cross country routes (with one route being combined heading west in Montana). Starting in Oregon, it only makes sense to do the Northern route that would take us through South Dakota. We want to show you Devil's Tower and Mount Rushmore. It might be never again that we have the opportunity to take you there and show you some real icons of America.

Our route home won't be planned as detailed until we leave, but most likely will be a direct route through the middle. We do want to leave some spontaneity in our adventure!

Twenty seven days, and counting...

Monday, May 28, 2012

The idea for the adventure

One day, you find yourself in the rut of life-working a job to get the rent paid, getting dinner made, and get to bed early enough to do it all over again. It's easy to get settled into this routine, become comfortable with the 'security' of it all. Then, you lose your job-just like that. One day you're going to work and plugging away, and then they send you home saying your job has been eliminated do to a 'reduction in force'. I wasn't expecting this whatsoever, but I should have. Locked up in the routine made me oblivious to how quickly the security of a job can be lost.

So, I have spent the past few days in a shock fog, but there is that small voice telling me that a fresh start isn't so bad. My husband and I thought, maybe we should relocate? He's also at a transition point in his life with graduating from college in less than three weeks. We both are at a pivotal point in our lives. But relocating is a drastic and permanent solution to a transitional situation. What we need is a mini-adventure...

After four days of pondering of where our lives are going, I woke up from a mid-day nap (I am having many of those lately) thinking we need a road trip across the USA. It is something we have always wanted to do together, but it's not something we were in a position to do impulsively. Seeing the entire span of the country is an experience never forgotten. The United States is HUGE, and it is easy to get stuck in a small place in the rut and forget how big the world really is. Then, we can re-start our routine with a fresh perspective, and hopefully not get stuck again.

This blog is dedicated to our daughter Maggie. We want you to have something to remember this road trip (assuming the internet is still around when you are older). We want you to have a documentary of our memories of the road trip that was our 'reset button' for the next phase in our life as a family.

Our adventure begins July 23rd.