Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A year later...

The past few days I have been reflecting heavily on where my life was this time a year ago, where my family's life really. Looking back, planning the road trip was one filled with excitement and hopeful anticipation. Upon returning from this nearly three week long escape, we have often talked of doing more trips. Being on the road had a profound positive experience on us. We bonded well for being stuck in the car for ten or more hours per day.

As for the ultimate goal of finding where we belong, we have stayed put in the Portland Metro area for now. Barely two weeks after our return home, I was employed with a wonderful company with a much better opportunity for growth in my career. Coming back, there are many qualities of my home I appreciate after passing through so many different regions and cultures of our country.

What is most interesting is some of the news events that have happened to the different regions we passed through. For example, hurricane Sandy and the Oklahoma twister all happened in areas that left an impression on us. The devastation these storms have left has broken my heart.

I feel fortunate that we not only had the chance to make this trip a year ago, but also that my daughter was able to experience so many different sights to add to her growth and memories. I never forgot the cross country trip I made in a car on I-40 at age five, even if it was just a long distance move rather than a family vacation. Still to this day, that trip made a big impression on me as it marked the beginning of my formed memories.