Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 1 in the Wide West

Day 1

We have hit the road! By 5am, we were leaving Portland on the greatest road trip we have ever endured. Heavy rains saw us off this morning, and we are trying to appreciate the cooler wet weather as the rest of the country is baking in 90F temperatures.

As my husband and I are excited to begin this trip, Maggie is still a bit sleepy.

Driving through Oregon wasn't much excitement as we have seen most of highway 84. Once we got past Pendelton however, the scenery became gorgeous.

Driving through remote Eastern Oregon, my husband insisted that a straw cowboy hat was necessary for the trip.

Passed through Idaho-not a memorable drive. We were glad to finally make it to Utah. Our tummies were hungry, it was nearly 100 degrees, and we were tired. We drove 14 hours (my husband did a majority of the driving), and had only slept 4 hours the night before! We reached Nephi, Utah at about 8pm.

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