Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 16-In the midwest

We headed out early this morning as we wanted to get as far west into South Dakota as possible. Our drive through southern Wisconsin was quite pretty-too bad I didn't get any photos. I was surprised at the scenery here, I would love to further explore Wisconsin someday.

Minnesota is another state I had wanted to know more about, but unfortunately this trip is just passing through. We drove right along the southern border of Minnesota, almost into Iowa. We stopped for gas and food in a little town called Blue Earth, and this is who we met:

The Jolly Green Giant!

We got into South Dakota in the afternoon, and it was HOT. One of our stops along I-90 was a town called Mitchell. This town is famous for the Corn Palace. The outside structure is made from corn cobs, and the intent is to promote the usefulness of corn.

Next stop was Wall South Dakota, but not before a detour into the badlands. This was a completely spontaneous stop, and a great one too:

We got into Wall later in the evening. What a fun town! Of course we stopped at Wall Drug, and that place is amazing (if you like to shop and want free ice water).

So far, South Dakota has been my favorite stop along the road.

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