Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 17-Super awesome South Dakota!

Day 17

Our road trip is coming to an end here soon, but not before we explore some real gems of the west.

Our first stop for today was of course Mt Rushmore. I was hoping it wasn't too touristy like The Grand Canyon, and it wasn't. I really appreciated Mt Rushmore. The little town of Keystone nearby looked super fun, and we vowed to come back to this area.

After Mt Rushmore, we headed to Deadwood. Mark had been a fan of the HBO show, and wanted to see this historic town. Unfortunately, it was a letdown, unless you like gambling and shopping.

Devils Tower was next, and on our way through Sundance, we got pulled over for speeding. Obviously not much is going on in this town, but the officer let us off without a ticket. I think having a child in the car helped.

You can see Devils Tower from a distance, so we opted not to spend the money on going into the national park. Instead, we stopped at a trading post, got some ice cream, and snapped some photos of Devils Tower. Then we were off to Montana.

For some reason, I had the idea that Montana was pretty. Not the eastern half! Around Livingston, we encountered a thunderstorm with high winds and an intense downpour. Then, we saw smoke in the distance and could see it was a fire probably started by the lightening.

Bozeman is where we spent the night, and we were lucky to find a decent room. This town was booked! At this point, I was glad this was our final night on the road as I was eager to get home.

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