Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 4 in Arkansas and Beautiful Tennessee

Day 4

We left Shawnee Oklahoma early, and the only thing I will remember about this city is how muggy and buggy it was. We were glad to be out of Oklahoma. Arkansas wasn't much more memorable other than we got caught up in a bad traffic jam, of all places.

Tennessee was a different story, it was one of the most beautiful places I had ever seen. We were slightly disappointed in how small the Mississippi river was when we came into Memphis. Lush hills and rocky cliffs were in view from the highway. We stopped in a little town called Cooksville for the night and splurged on the room. We also splurged on a genuine Tennessee barbecue dinner as well, and was it ever a satisfying meal. People were extremely friendly in this town and I can easily find myself desiring to live in such a wonderful place.

Finally tomorrow we will arrive in my home state of North Carolina to reunite with my dad and his family.

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