Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 5 arriving in North Carolina!

Day 5

Today was the day we would arrive in North Carolina, so naturally I was up and ready to go by 6:30am. No one else wanted to rush like I did.

As we entered the Knoxville area, my awe for this area increased. The Smoky Mountains came into view which are so beautiful. The drive through the mountains was definitely not a straight road like we encountered Texas. I didn't get any pictures unfortunately of today, probably because I was so busy admiring the beauty of Tennessee.

Finally we got into North Carolina, and we went from mountains to more coastal foliage as we neared Wilmington. The last 100 miles seemed to take forever, but we arrived in town at about dinner time. We met my dad at his house and had a TexMex dinner at a place called Flaming Amy's.

After 5 days of driving, our brains felt like mush. We collapsed into bed in our not-so-great hotel. I was very glad to be in Wilmington, and was looking forward to the next day of not driving and spending time with family.

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