Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 6 home with my family

Day 6

Today was a fun day to visit with family. After we got a tour of Nic's awesome studio, we grabbed a bagel with my dad, and then headed to Carolina Beach. Today was very HOT. Even for the beach, the sand was hot. We walked down the beach for a few minutes, splashed in the water, and drove around the peninsula that The Cape Fear river meets the Atlantic Ocean.

The coastal towns in this area were really cute. The houses were painted in Caribbean colors, there was all sorts of places to buy sno cones, and even a little carnival.

From there we drove through downtown and met with my gramma and uncle. I couldn't stop thinking about ice cream, so we got some sorbet at the new Whole Foods store. Temperatures topped 100 degrees! Since we weren't used to heat and humidity, I was ready for a nap.

After my nap, and a dip in the pool for my husband and Maggie, we decided for dinner to take Nic out since it was her birthday. The Dock Street Oyster Bar was delicious for a meal, although we didn't have oysters. Since it was Friday night, downtown Wilmington had live music right on the bay front. We walked all around downtown with a stop at Checker Cab Art Gallery to see some of Nic's art. After that dinner and walk, we were exhausted.

Probably the most memorable and special part of this day was how much Maggie enjoyed the garden and flowers of in my dad's yard. Gramma Nic cut her a special bouquet of flowers that Maggie didn't let go of. I could spend hours just wandering this yard, there are so many different plants to adore.

I will be sad to leave this area, I felt right at home despite the extremely hot temperatures.

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