Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 7 leaving North Carolina arriving in Pennsylvania

Day 7

Today was a little sad for me, my time with my family was very short. I was glad to spend a couple of hours with my dad and Nic.

Baxter and Smoochie didn't quite get along. I was sad to have to keep him in his crate while we visited. Smoochie is the sweetest dog, and really loved Maggie.

We left Wilmington about 11am for Pennsylvania. In Virginia, we crossed a cool bridge, but during this time there were power outages throughout the area because of storms. For awhile there, our gas was low and some of the gas stations couldn't give gas. We got lucky and found some in Northern Virginia, but had to wait awhile.

Arriving in DC was a trick as we kept going in circles. Once we parked, we did a short tour of the Washington Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial.

Next was the long drive into Pennsylvania. The power was out still in Maryland as we departed DC which held us up on getting to Pennsylvania. There was a derecho storm that hit the Mid-Atlantic area causing power and phone outages. We arrived in Hamburg Pennsylvania at midnight and then stayed up until 3AM talking with my husband's brother and wife!

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